Queens Art Intervention 2017
Saturday, September 23rd, 2017 12-4pm
(Rain date: Sunday, September 24th)
QAI EXHIBITION at Queens Museum
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 16th (2-4pm)
The show ran through January 20th, 2018

Investigation Project

The Feminine Dwelling Model
by RPGA Studio
Over the last year RPGA Studio has been investigating what it means to dwell in New York City.
It's started with the initial question "who wants to learn how to use a miter saw?" From this question ultimately 300 people were part of bringing a tiny house into fruition.
The tiny house is now a space to grow community through personal interactions. The first installation in this space is an investigation into The feminine Dwelling Model. From august to until QAI, individuals are being invited to the tiny house to have tea and discuss how they dwell in New York City.
On Saturday, September 23rd, 13 artists will be creating art installations around dwelling in communities in Long Island City and Jackson Heights.
December 13th, 2017 to January 20th, 2018, we will be bringing our work to the Queens Museum's community gallery with the hope of inspiring others to create interventions in their communities.
QAI Artists
Grace in Dwelling
by Carla Lobmier
Location: Travers Park
Grace in Dwelling begins as a photogrpahic project, as well as a collected journal of thoughts. I am interested in studying how people define home, and, in particular, a happy home. From participant photographs paired with corresponding collected responses, I will make a text scroll or series of text scrolls based on these responses.
Corazón Entristecido
by Domenica Garcia
Location: Travers Park
Corazón Entristecido is a performance art piece that exposes an attitude of indifference towards violence in my two homes: Latin America and the United States. The piece juxtaposes elements from both cultures creating a parallel between both cultures and ultimately comparing this vast disappointment with a heartbreak.
by Deborah Wasserman
Location: Roosevelt Avenue
In her performance, Hospitality, artist Deborah Wasserman invites guests into her Dwelling and hosts them with tea. In her humble Dwelling she seeks to create an expansive experience instigated by the sheer action of generously sharing one’s space with others. Shifting traditional, subservient feminine roles of servitude she employs hosting as an empowering tool to examines our deep-rooted fears and attitudes in welcoming others and ourselves…
Uprooted II: An Ode to the 1.5 Generation
by Keka Marzagao
Location: 78th Street Plaza (next to Travers Park)
Jackson Heights is home to a large population of immigrants. “Uprooted II” is my homage to immigrant children—the curious ones who were swept along in their parent’s journey, while embarking on their own. The installation will consist of 50 unique cyanotypes of tree roots hung at eye-level in the 78th Street Plaza.
Jackson Heights
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Long Island City
by Christine Lee Tyler
Location: 23rd and Jackson Ave
Blanket involves symbolism that pertains to homelessness. The composition is to be printed onto a large blanket. The blanket will be laying on the ground and open to people interacting with it. I want the artwork to parallel vulnerability, exposure, comfort, shelter and protection.
The Hestia Project
by Joan Becht Willette
Location: Socrates Sculpture Park
“The Hestia Project” is a community collaborative project, where the Literary Artist and the Community engage in active conversation about “What is your Dream Dwelling? What are your physical and emotional must haves?” in a portable pop up tent. We share and create individual canvas squares, using words and symbols with Art materials - to joined together - to create a “Community Quilt of Dwelling Dreams” to be exhibited in the Queens Art Museum.
Home Is Where the Heart Is
by Michael Kannisto
Location: Queensbridge Park
Our earliest memories are typically associated with our childhood home. In this installation, participants will be encouraged to recall those memories (and the feelings associated with them) and share them by writing them down, drawing a picture, or sharing the memory verbally.
Dwelling with Thousands Windows
by Niizeki Hiromi
Location: Murray Playground
“Dwelling with Thousands Windows" is a participatory art installation made of window envelopes of many shapes, sizes, and colors. The audience and artist will communicate and work together to form the day's “dwelling” by gluing "Windows" and painting on. Feel free to bring your own used envelopes to add on at the site!
What’s Up with LIC?
by Priscilla Stadler / Grace Jean
Location: Local Project (11-27th 44th Rd)
Join us in using creative observation (like sketching, writing, photography, or other media) during this interactive exploration of Long Island City’s hyper-development and what it means for the future of our homes, artist studios and small businesses. After the walk, we’ll gather to make a pop-up exhibition and share our experiences.
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Queens Museum Response (Earliest Memories)

Queens Museum Response (Sculpture)
by Lisandra De Fraga
Location: Astoria Park
Nepantla is a participatory art intervention where the participants will have the opportunity to share their migration/displacement experiences either by writing, drawing or voice recording. An assemblage piece consisting of visual signifiers and focus questions will serve as tools for reflection. The responses are going to be displayed during the QAI exhibition at Queens Museum.
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Queens Museum Response (Migration Stories)
This program is funded by:
Council Member Funding