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Stat Girl

A super hero that arms people wit the facts about dangerous streets
There are millions of traffic related incidents per year; changing how we interact with each other on the streets can avert some of these accidents. We want to use art, design, and each other to change behaviors.

On The Street

At particular intersections that are dangerous stat girl can be used to educate the public about the problem using data ascertained from public sources on a particular intersection. On the street Stat Girl merely states the facts; how many were hurt or worse yet killed. She is a reminder to be careful and an educator to new pedestrians who might not understand the history of that intersection.



Her Design:

Initial concept uses statistical data to help others understand dangerous intersections. Stat girl was designed to give pedestrian/cyclists/motorists injury stats at various intersections.

Stat girl can also be used at intersections to monitor dangerous behaviors and as a discussion tool during transportation safety residencies.


She is made of acrylic, wood, and plastic. She was launched QAI 2014



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