Falchi Underpass Art Exhibit
"The Underpass Art Exhibit is an interactive display designed to help reimagine the Falchi Buildings potential and demonstrate the many transformations an underpass in NYC undergoes. It was designed for the viewer to rethink the role he/she can play in shaping their physical space." Yvonne Shortt

Photographs by Carol Lacks & Richard West
Yvonne Shortt
Richard West
Stephanie Peters
Rebecca + Clara
(tagged wall)
Cyrus Blackshear Dimith
Girlie Gagucas Sylvia
Tiffany Pierce Chelsea
Yvonne Shortt Juia
Stephanie Peters Marco
Rebecca + Clara Tiffany
Priscilla Dionyssius
Simon Greg
Amaris Zoe
Camille Christina
Devon Amir
Michelle Liam
Carol Justin
Grace Sharon
Carmen Kate
Lynn Lobell Carolina
Reggie John
Riley Margaret
Transformation Schedule
Opening Night
Invite audience to use spray cans, stencils, & pens to create graffiti.
Week 2
Paint over portion of graffiti light gray
Week 3
Create new graffiti over light gray paint
Week 4
Create first mural
Week 5
Graffiti mural
Week 6
Install new photographic mural based on meetups held by the Rego Park Green Alliance