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The Studio


"I have basically taken the artistic concept of studio and applied it to the non profit realm. As an artist, technologist, mathematician, African- American, activist, and mother I use my creative powers for transformation in my community"


-Yvonne Shortt 


RPGA Studio is a non profit studio that uses creative solutions to help solve community problems. The methodology is question based with action following each question to test the approach.  Meaning everything starts with a question. Why is this park closed? Why are we walking through through this unsafe underpass? How can school be a place that values the strengths of all kids? The questions are personal so the work is primarily is Queens, NY.  This is the community Ms. Shortt lives in.

"This is not your typical non profit. As the head of the studio the questions come from within.  The people at the studio don't run programs we  are all artists with a variety of expertise and experiences. We deliver action in a collaborative and community way." -Shortt 


The Team Team

Yvonne, Mayuko, Jenna, Rebecca, Clara, Richard,  Joel.



Carmen Shortt      United Sates Postal Service

Elsie Chapman      Retired IBM Executive

Richard West         JPMorgan Executive

Tessa Kennedy      Delta Airlines

Michael Flores       Retired NY Stock Exchange

Janiece Kirton         NYC DOE 











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